The Music of Life

What is a gene?


Recessive Inheritance

Dominant Inheritance

De Novo

3 Outcomes from a Test

Does this make you feel anything ?


liked it

not at all very


not at all very

mentally engaged

not at all very


not at all very

sensed a deeper meaning

not at all very


not at all very

sparked my interest

not at all very


not at all very

1 / 8

About this survey

This research is all about connection and so we’d love you to tell us how each film makes you feel.

To read more about our process, have a read of our evidence base page.

Can a metaphor for genomics be music to the ears for patients?

Only Human worked with the godfather of music video and film maker Tim Pope to bring the complexities of genomics to life with a simple musical metaphor.

The series of 6 films were conceived and scripted using insights and observations from Genetic Counsellors at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. They have been trialled by genetic counsellors at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London, directly with patients attending the Genomic Medicine Service. They cover topics that are routinely covered in clinical conversations, including: What is a gene? – X-Inheritance – Recessive Inheritance – Dominant Inheritance – The meaning of De Novo Variants– Outcomes from a Genetic Test.